Folk Art


Welcome to Folk Art

I love folk art. I like that the art represents the deepest symbolism of the cultural values and is grounded in the spirit and essence of life.

I have been heavily influenced by my own multi-cultural, social, and economic influences. My Puerto Rican and American heritages, and the Mexican/Latino communities of growing up and living in New Mexico and Arizona have been a big part of my artistic development and path. 

I am attracted to bright, vibrant colors just as much as bright, vibrant cultures. I also like to explore themes about what makes us human, of life and death, both physical and spiritual. You will see these ideas in many of my works, but particularly in my folk art.


Sharp Tongue, Soft Heart (2019)

This piece is a reflection on the idea that many people are soft-hearted but protect their vulnerability behind sharp words, attitudes, or behaviors. Our hearts, housed within walls and yards, fenced in by barriers, may still burn brightly inside our protected space. We may desire a chance to be kind and compassionate, but instead feel vulnerable and hence defensive against attacks.

Although this is not a religious piece, the image of the heart at the center is of the Corazón Sagrado (Sacred Heart). It is filled with passionate love for humanity (ágape), but is wounded by the punishment of the Crown of Thorns.

Similarly, those of us who are passionate with love and kindness for life and others are often punished through mockery, or worse, for our tenderness. Sadly, we learn to punish our own soft hearts with sharpness as an act of self-protection.

20” W x 21” H