discursive Art


Welcome to Discursive Art!

As with many artists, I depict my thoughts on society, how we treat one another or the expectations we have for one another through my artwork. Often imbued with symbolism, these works are my way of applying my artistic creativity towards various social issues. They are intended to engage with society in a discursive, as opposed to immersive, manner.



DNA2: Diversity Now & Always

Diversity, whether biological or cultural, is a part of life. It has always been and it shall always be. Simply because some societal "norms" dictate that certain people and behaviors are not acceptable in order for those in power to retain their power, it does not invalidate or negate diversity. It merely suppresses its expression. But as has been famously said, "Nature finds a way."

This quilted piece is composed using biological and genetic imagery. Separating each panel are DNA strands. The rough quilting in this piece is deliberate: as we all have what we define as "imperfections" and "mistakes" within us, genetically, behaviorally, socially, etc. And yet, it is those mistakes that make us unique and is the very thing that creates diversity. Additionally, each panel is quilted with a different pattern. Some have beadwork on them. The panels represent a different culture or environment, or a struggle between expression and suppression.

Societies all around the world have cultural, social, environmental, or individual behaviors that are suppressed by hegemonic groups or powerful entities, whether those are religious institutions, governments, corporations, etc. Yet those behaviors and groups continue to persist and exist, sometimes biding their time, and at other times actively striving for recognition. 

Diversity is present in the world whether a person accepts it or not.

Approximately 22”x22”
